Right of Revocation
1. If the customer is a consumer, he has a 14-day right of revocation period.
Information Regarding Revocation
Right of Revocation
You may revoke your contract declaration without giving any reasons by sending us a written message (e.g., letter, fax, E-Mail) within 14 days or — if the merchandise has been handed over to you before the expiration of this period — by returning the merchandise. The period begins upon receipt of this information in written form, but not, however, before receipt of the merchandise by the recipient (in the case of repeated delivery of identical merchandise, not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and not before fulfillment of our information obligation pursuant to Article 246, Section 2 in conjunction with Section 1 (1) and (2) EGBGB (German Introductory Act German Civil Code) and our obligations pursuant to Section 312e (1) sentence 1 BGB (German Civil Code) in conjunction with Article 246 Section 3 EGBGB. The dispatch of the revocation notice or of the product in due time suffices as compliance with the revocation period.
Send the revocation notice to:
EES Energie-Erzeugung-Systeme GmbH
Gartenfelder Straße 15, 29-37
13599 Berlin
E-Mail: info@eesystem.de
Fax: +49 30 33775943-59
Consequences of Revocation
If the revocation is effective, the performances of both parties must be returned and any benefits received from their use (e.g., interest) must be surrendered. If you are unable to return to us, in whole or in part, the performance you have received, or if you can return it only in worsened condition, you must possibly pay us compensation for the lost value. When products have been handed over, the above provision does not apply if the worsening of the product is solely a consequence of its inspection such as would be possible for you in a physical store. You can otherwise avoid the obligation to compensate for the value lost through the proper use of the product by not using the product as if it were your property and by desisting from any and all actions which would lower its value.
Return products which can be sent as a parcel to the following address at our risk.
EES Energie-Erzeugung-Systeme GmbH
Gartenfelder Straße 15, 29-37
13599 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 33775943-0
Fax: +49 30 33775943-59
E-Mail: info@eesystem.de
You must bear the costs of the return if the delivered merchandise corresponds to the ordered merchandise and if the price of the products being returned is not in excess of € 40, or, if the price is higher, you had not yet paid the consideration or a contractually agreed partial payment at the point in time of the revocation. Otherwise, the return is free of charge for you. Products which cannot be shipped as a parcel will be picked up from you. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you upon dispatch of the revocation declaration or of the product and for us upon their receipt.
EES Energie-Erzeugung-Systeme GmbH
Gartenfelder Straße 15, 29-37
13599 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 33775943-0
Fax: +49 30 33775943-59
E-Mail: info@eesystem.de
2. If the customer exercises his legal right of revocation (see Information Regarding Revocation), he must bear the costs of the return if the delivered merchandise corresponds to the ordered merchandise and if the price of the products being returned is not in excess of € 40, or, if the price is higher, the customer had not yet paid the consideration or a contractually agreed partial payment at the point in time of the revocation. Otherwise, the return is free of charge for the customer.
3. As far as the English and the German version of these terms diverge, the German version shall be decisive.